The 7 pointed Faery Star is used in Faery and Celtic Magical traditions. The 7 Magical Points of "Elven" or "Faery" Magick are...
- The Sun: The Primary Force of Life and Creation on Earth. Without it, Elven and Human life would not exist.
- The Wood: Most Elves, as well as people, feel a deep connection to the forests. Trees are considered kin, cousins and brothers. Elves see deep secrets hidden in trees, and understand the power and nature of trees and woods.
- The Sea: Water Elemental Powers are very strong. Some may be reluctant to know the sea or feel it, but the ocean is one of the great natural forces.
- The Magic: Living Magick is integral to the lives of all Elves and people, whether it be the simple Magick of a snowflake, or the Magick of rhymes, runes, visions, and such.
- The Moon: Our Earth is dependent on the Magick of the moon. It brings light to the dark night skies; it affects the weather and tides and weather patterns. The moon has profound magickal and physiological effects on our bodies.
- The Wind: Elves have a strong connection to the wind and air elementals. Wind helps germinate our plant life. Wind also has the magickal ability to carry subtle messages across all realms.
- Connection: Ultimately, Elves must remember the idea of Connection--of our connection to others, the world, the land, reality, to Magick, the universe, and ourselves.