Rune: Raidho Talisman

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Names: Raidho, Raido, Reid, Rad.

Letter: R (5th runic letter)

Translation: Ride, Wagon wheel, Riding.

Meaning: Journey of life, Eternal cycles, patterns, & rhythms, Union or re-union.

Key words: Magical Journey, Right Action, Justice, Psychic Communication.

Attributes: Raidho represents the Journey of life, not an ordered, structured plan one tries to make for their life, but rather the experience one encounters between goals. This odyssey is a pathway to self-power & the lessons of wisdom needed to complete the true meaning of one's existence.

Magical use: Raidho helps you become aware of both the rhythms of nature & the structured protocol of civilization. The wisdom of Raidho helps one meld these seemingly different hemispheres into a balanced and harmonious relationship, dissipating all illusion.

Casting Meaning: Be aware of your surroundings. Psychic communication is achieved thru respect and awareness of the needs of others to the point of not having to use words. One must be aware of the impact we make, good or bad. There is always a kinetic affect. The Teutonic people called this effect Justice. Not being aware of how others view us can accidently put distance between ourselves and our peers. The highest sphere of Raidho is to gain understanding of everyone else's point of view.