In an intricate design combining the best of Celtic Knotwork with the ultimate Magic of the Runic Alphabet, artist Chris Bennett has created powerful symbols to enhance Passion, bring Joy, enable Trust, and attract Love.
The main portion of the design is a stylized Celtic Cross. The circle in the center of the cross is a female symbol representing the unity of all life, Divine Light and Spiritual Radiance.
Within this circle are Magical Runes that translate as “the seeds of love grow in trust.” Only in perfect trust (signified by the M rune Ehwaz), can one have perfect love (the X rune Geofu). Such love is balanced by passion (the C rune Ken), and joy (the P rune Wynn), ensuring passionate love together with friendship and harmony.
At the top of each arm of the Celtic Cross is intricate Celtic knotwork that surrounds and protects each of these Powerful Magical Runes. The interlaced lines of the knot form a continuous ‘gateless’ design, which has been considered a Symbol of Protection throughout time.